Monday, December 15, 2008

Day 18


It is sleeting right outside my window.

I had to go to school this morning to take a final and turn in a final. I hadto take one for Advanced Comp and it went pretty good. I had to turn in a paper final for Education and Culture.

I have to go take a final for European History tomorrow. I am ready to get it over with. I need to write two papers. One is for American Lit and one is for Brit Lit.

The roads are getting crazy out my way.

The little brother is headed home from work so I will be nervous until he gets home.

Be safe and Be courteous.

God Bless.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Day 17

I am almost done with my first semester at Lyon.

All I have left is Finals. I wrote one of my finals on Friday night. I only have four more.

I had to skip church today because I have to work this afternoon. I am not thrilled.

I have really enjoyed my semester at Lyon. I contemplated transferring to ASU-Jonesboro, but I have made it this far and I only have three semesters left.

I was at Cave City this semester doing Observations. I will be there next semester for Practicum. I student teach there next year in 7th and 8th Grade for English and Social Studies. I am excited, but nervous.

I wish there was more to say, but I am so boring that this is all the excitement I have right now.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Day 16


Guess what. I am not doing homework.

I should be doing homework, but I don't want to.

I have a research project and presentation due tomorrow. It is over Discipline in Elementary Schools.

On Monday, I have to turn in a paper on the British impact on Africa.

By Friday, I have to turn in two papers for History and a paper for English. I am not done with any of them, of course.


I am so ready for school to be over with. December 17th is my last day of Finals. Thank goodness. This semester had dragged on forever.
